About Me

Rev . Gladwin Jaykar

To train and develop potential Reproductive Leadership (LEADER-SHEEP) for the Holistic Mission of God. This should AFFECT OF result in WORSHIP, WITNES, SERVICE, GLORY and FEAR OF GOD in all people of all nations irrespective of cast, color or creed.


Former Swedish Alliance Mission (Established by Frederick Fransson-1904) and now Suvarta Alliance Church in India serving mainly the BHIL Tribe Community.


Joined SAM Since 1978 and then Ordained Minister with Pastorate in SAM. Now an Associate Minister for Training and Development since 2017.


  1. Missionary Pastor amongst Bhil Tribal Churches in SAM.
  2. International Development Project Coordinator.
  3. An International Preacher, Teacher, Trainer and Motivator.
  4. Mission, Evangelism and Church Planting Training College Head in SAM.
  5. Co-operated in Training with:
  6. Love Maharashtra for Missionary Training, MVM, Tutor For UBS-Pune,
  7. Trainer with IICCC, OTI, World Vision, Philadelphia Fellowship, Haggai
  8. Institute, Unnati Trust-Pune, PSSS, Doon Bible College, AGAPE, SIDA
  9. (Sweden), FMCS (Finland) CEOSS (Egypt) SIL(Nepal-Wycliffe, USA),
  11. Former President (2 terms) Union Biblical Seminary Alumni Association, Pune.
  12. Served as Special Executive Magistrate for the city, Nandurbar.

Secular Education

  1. B.A. (Eng. Literature from Poona University.)
  2. M.A. (Eng. Literature from N. M. University, Jalgaon, MS, India)
  3. C.A.V. (Films and Television, Mumbai/GIFTS-California, USA.)
  4. Certificate in Linguistics and a Research in Mission, Socio-Linguistics.
  5. N.C.C. – ā€œCā€ Certificate for preparation of Military Service in India.

Theological Education

  1. B.Th.( Doon Bible College, Dehradoon, U.K.)
  2. G.Dip.Th. (Union Biblical Seminary, Pune.)
  3. B.D. (Senate of Serampur / UBS Pune)
  4. SLT/ SFT (Haggai International, HAWAII, USA)
  5. SFT (BTCP/L, USA)