Episode 1 Journeying through the regions of unforeseen dangers.

2Cor.11 26 

The Trail of Travelers

Apostle Paul says: “In Journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by heathen, in perils in the city, IN PERILS IN THE WILDERNESS, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;” 


The Christian Life is a long journey. It is full of various challenges and risks. We all face troubles and difficulties in life of some sort. A number of times we need to take a path of life risks. None of us like pain and perils. But they are at times unavoidable. 

The Holy Book Bible which we Christians believe to be the revealed Word of God is full of incidents and stories of such risks. 

The first Robbery and Loot is recorded in the Book of Genesis chapter 14. The cousin of Abraham was LOT. He chose to live in the city of Sodom. It so happened that the

“Enemy took all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their possessions, and went their way. They took Lot, the son of Abraham’s brother, who was dwelling in Sodom, and his possessions, and went their way.”


Paul says: “Let no man beguile you of your rewards…”


The word BEGUILE is in Greek: “KATABRABEUO.” (Strong/g/2603) It means a follower or a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ runs in a contest. He has certainly come near to the finish line. But for some reasons, he missed the track he was given to run and still ran to finish ahead of many. 

The Umpire had to deprive him or her of the Award which was supposed to be his or her. The decision went against him or her because of changing the track knowingly or unknowingly. Missing or changing of the track was illegal as per the rules of the contest and was bound to lose the Reward. 

But in Christian life, if we get another chance-grace- to run again, let us learn NOT TO change the TRAIL / TRACK / LINES / BOUNDARIES of the Track given to us. We can win the contest and be honored with a reward again. 

It is important to know how Jehovah God restored the honor of His people in the form of His appointed King David. God is willing to restore our LOOT. We the followers of Lord Jesus Christ are moving towards our end destination. We know, we are climbing the Road to Calvary. It is a lonely walk with heavy burdens and numbing pain. LOOK to Jesus ,(Heb.3:1,12:2) Find grace and strength to complete the journey.

Never give up the walk even if it is difficult as Mountaineering. Let us hold courage. THE WAY OF THE CROSS IS THE WAY OF CHRIST JESUS. It is difficult and Risky, but it is the correct Way we have chosen to tread on.

In this 3rd series of Episodes, we shall try to understand and explore some of the inroads we take without notice. These roads look good and safer. We also know that due to the existence of sin and evil, we all are inherently prone to face difficulties. Consider what the Bible has to offer to us in the form of Guidance, Road map, True North, and journey mercies. Remember that we are not alone in this trail of life journey. May Lord God bless you.