Episode 1 Know the Piracy and the Life of Church/Disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Pirates of Christian Faith

Episode 1 – Know the Piracy and the Life of Church/Disciples of Jesus Christ – English version

What do the Pirates do: Few Characteristics.

  • They also use various strategies to capture the ships. They create a trap in such a way that the main ship gets either away from the assisting ships with gun boat or becomes isolated from the ships accompanying the main ship. They LOOT/SPOIL most prized goods were obviously things which were non-perishable and of high value such as gold, silver and jewels etc. 
  • They hide their IDENTITY by a camouflage. We should recognize them. 
  • Christ Jesus: Wolf inside but Sheep’s clothing outside. 
  • WHY they do not come in Shepherd’ cloak? They can Imitate Sheep but NOT the SHEPHERD, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Biblical  word used or Related to such kind of LOOT or SPOIL: 

  • Apostle Paul was imprisoned and was uncertain of the future. He was allowed to stay in a self rented house for few months. He operated from that base in Rome. He referred to the Pirate or Bandit’s or brigand’s attacks and PERILS of dangers of Loots in the 2nd Letter to the church at city of Corinth.(2Cor.11:26) 
  • The word WATERS could mean rivers-potamon-(strong/g/4215) or places of fresh drinkable stream waters where probably the bandits awaited for travelers for a loot. 
  • The word Robbers is-leston-(strong/g/3027) which means brigand, bandit who plunders (what is precious hidden with the travelers). This word defines the nature of Spoilers or looters. They plunder or loot openly and by violence.
  • Whereas the THIEF-kleptesis-different type of spoiler. (Vine/Robber/p.301)

2/A. An incident of famous LOOT of the Emperor Aurangzeb’s Ship: (The case is borrowed as an illustration story from www.wikipedia)

  • The Ganj-i-Sawai” Fateh Muhammed, was captured on 7 September 1695 by the English pirate Henry Every en route from present day Mocha, Yemen to Surat, India. 
  • In response to the capture of the Ganj-i-Sawai, the Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, sent his army to five key ports for English trade in India, in order to close them: Bombay, Surat, Broach, Agra, and Ahmadabad. 
  • Aurangzeb effectively cut off English trade with India, for he would not reopen the ports until Henry Every was caught and executed for his crimes. 
  • The East India Company reconciled with the Great Mughal by fully compensating his losses, and filed an insurance claim for £350,000, though Aurangzeb requested this amount be doubled.  
  • The desire to see Every executed led to the first truly global manhunt in history, though he and the majority of his crew would never be caught. Six members of his crew were captured, tried, and executed, though they were not found guilty of seizing the Ganj-i-Sawai, but rather a different ship.

However, soon it so happened that after the after the incident of the capturing of the ships of Great India King Aurangzeb, the world came together to catch the Pirate to be tried. The first case was most famous Piracy and Loot. But it also was the 1st case of united efforts to catch the Pirates who were British.