Episode 2 KNOW the Chieftain: The Chief Pirate is SATAN.

The Pirates of Christian Faith

John 10:10 The Thief (Satan/Satanic forces) comes to Steal, to Kill, to Destroy.

John 8:44 Jesus said: He is a Murderer from the beginning, He did not abide in truth, because there is no truth in him; He speaks lies because he is a liar and also the father of liars. 

Eph.6:10-20 He has an operating system through which he traps mankind. 

  • He uses WILES (Schemes-Methodeias-Strong/g/3180)
  • मराठी-डाव+पेंच:डावपेंच. 
  • It means=A way of search after something with craftiness and deceit by travelling over and again- like in Book of Job 1:7, 2:2=(cf. halak=strong/g/1980-Continually haunt and hunt for a prey and for that continue to go Back and Forth.)

Luke 4:13 “And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.” The Devil or Satan always looks for an opportunity to spoil mankind and make it his Captive his precious LOOT.

Devil is also referred as Satan in the Bible. It is Greek form of Aramaic (Heb-Satan the Adversary used 17-18 times in OT. Vine/Satanas/p.320) In the NT, it is Satan in place of Devil.

The Titles show his approaches under his strategy: 
  • It is very strange to know the truth that not all the Pirates were bad and ruthless men. Piracy was a profession of some skilled team of people. They had their own administration, security forces, Court and weaponry. Their sole interest had been to LOOT only which is precious, necessary and valuable. 
  • Of course they had to kill those who either resisted them or did not disclose the secret places of hidden treasures on the ship. They had their own identities and methods. 
  • When they were caught and exposed to the world who or what they were by most powerful rulers and Kings. They were punished for their acts and sentenced to confinement or death if necessary. 
  • Very strangely, Satan never introduced himself with his titles in the Bible. He is exposed by the Bible about who he really is.
    • Beelzebub: A Dung god or god of dung-the human waste etc.
    • Morning Star: He was created by God as an angel Lucifer-Morning star.
    • God of this age: (2Cor.4:4) By deceiving the world him being the God. It was his desire and cheated Eve by instigating them to become like God in Genesis ch.3. But Eve and Adam failed in that attempt. So naturally he still likes to show himself to be god. It may be because he was from the Holy Heaven and caste out once for all. He will continue to resist the Living and True God till he meets his end to be thrown into the Lake of fire.
    • Ruler of the Kingdom of the Air: (Eph.2:2,6:10-19) 
    • Prince of this world: (Jn.14:30)
    • Power of this dark world: (Eph.6:12)
    • Diabolos: an accuser/ slanderer. (Job.1:6-11, Rev.12:9-10) 
The Titles show his activities: 
  1. Belzebub: The Taker away of sound and healthy human existence. A prince of the evil spirits/a DUNG (उकिरडा) god: This defines how he uses his angelic fallen spirits to defile mankind to live in dung or live like a thrown out human (excrement)waste as Judaizers considered sinners or gentile Christians in early centuries of the Church.(Vine/dung)
  2. Diabolos/Devil/Satan: He is an adversary(Gk. antidikos) of God, Christ, God’s people and the mankind.(Mt.4:10,Lk.22:31,1Th.2:18, Rev.12:9,20:7)
  3. To Steal: Life. Jesus Christ came to give Life Eternal & he can’t loot it. A THIEF –kleptes-(Vine/Thief/p.126) comes any time (not time is mentioned by Jesus Christ-John 10:1, 10). It is metaphorically used of False Teachers. They come any time and teach anything they want and create a mere outward profession of faith among the believers and make them defiled by the worldliness.(Rev.3:3) 
  4. To Kill: Precious Faith in Christ as Savior. Uses resistance to kill
  5. To Destroy: Mainly career and character. God covers and restores.
  6. Murderer: Make mankind blood thirsty. Jesus teaches to die for others.
  7. Liar: Deception to divert from Truth. Jesus is the Truth. 
  8. Father of Lies/Liars: Reproduce lies & liars against God and His people.