Episode 2 The HOPE is Stronger than Mountains

The Trail of a Traveler

It is my pleasure to share my thoughts with you all in this new series. I have named it as The Trail of a Traveler-the Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

  • We are on our way to Eternal destination. We may believe the existence of GOD or not but we all end our journey of life when we die here on earth. 
  • We may not agree on many issues about the Life after Death. There are many such philosophical or religious thinking existing today. 
  • Mankind continues to move with the cycle of birth and death. We all express our happiness and feel broken at the death of our loved ones. The nature has the rule of reproduction and we continue to live and die generation after generation by that rule. 
  • The life is full of mixed experiences. Most of the time we have to face unbearable difficulties during the journey. 
  • The trail of life becomes sometime harder and harder to walk on further. But it is what expected. A disciple of Lord Jesus Christ follows a Trail of someone who had already walked ahead of him or her. The Trail becomes more difficult and steepens as he/she approaches the peak of the climb. But he/she tries best to climb over because it’s the desired destination. 
  • How do we keep moving forward when we follow the Trail? “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run (Trail) with patience the race that is set before us.”(Heb.12:1) “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”(Heb.12:2) 
  • It is important to understand the purpose of our existence and then learn how to achieve what we had been asked for and then we were dreaming about. 

The Story of Padmashree (4th highest Indian Civilian Award holder) Mrs. Arunima Sinha: She is a brave Indian woman. She had been a 7 times national volley Ball player. One day while travelling by a train, some train robbers caught her and threw her out of the running train. The fall caused her left leg damaged only to be amputated below knee. Her right leg and spinal cord also had fractures which were repaired later.

After overcoming this traumatic experience, she chose the mountain climbing. She underwent training and exercises with artificial leg. She decided to climb all the top peaks of the mountains of the world. She had climbed 7 mountain tops like: Everest in Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe, Kosciuszko in Australia, Aconcangua in Argentina, Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia, and Vinson in Antartica by January 2019. The difficulties made her stronger to perform the best of her abilities. Climbing the trail without legs was very difficult. Arunima’s hope was stronger than Mountains.

In the New Testament, The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews says: “That two immutable things in which it was impossible for god to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.”(Heb.6:18) Let your Hope be stronger than any mountain trail which comes across your journey. The trail shows us the way in which someone had already gone before.


The Trails of our destinations might be difficult to move on. Stay hopeful and strong in your Trail of life. But Know that The HOPE is Stronger than Mountains.