Episode 3 The Chief Traps Of Pirate the SATAN.

The Pirates of Christian Faith

  1. False Prophets: Dt.13:1-4; Mt.7:21-23
    1. He is always a self proclaimed minister. He uses “I-My” instead GOD. 
    2. He has another Scripture or Revelation contrary to the Revealed Word.
    3. He may demonstrate a sign or wonder to deceive God’s people. 
    4. He diverts and replaces God and leads people astray to strange gods/things.
    5. He claims to have a secret knowledge of other world. 
    6. He likes luxury, lustful desires and pomp rather than the glory of God. 
    7. Looks like A well (Depth) but are without water, look like rain giving Clouds (Glorious) are carried with tempest.(2Pet.2:17)
  2. False Teachers: Mt.7:21-23 
    1. They do not have sound doctrine, rather a mixed up mess. 
    2. Their teaching is full of misrepresentation (Serpent: Has God said it? Gen.3) and half lies (Gen.3:4; Matt.4:1-11 “It is written” Said Jesus.)
    3. They teach their Wisdom thoughts but the True Teachers quoted True Prophets.
    4. They have a Bible with their own interpretation claimed as Revelation of God.
  3. False Apostles and Ministers: 2Cor.11:14-15)
    1. (All 2Cor. Dake/p.347) 16 things show what they are made up of.
Hold secret shame          4:2Outward appearance   10:7Greedy 11:7-12Pose as righteous  11:15
Walk craftily                  4:2Commend selves       10:12False     11:13Seek self glory      11:12
Handle Word deceitfully 4:2Compare with others 10:12Counterfeit 11:13 Boastful                 11:18
Walk and war after flesh 10:3Prey others work 10:15-16Deceitful     11:13No Apostle’s Power 12:12

4. Healers: (2Pet.2:19) Mt.7:21-23

5. Miracle Workers: Mt.7:21-23

Conclusion: Dt.13:3-4 

God sends such things into the lives of the people of God to TEST their LOVE to Him from ALL their: 

Heart: (CARDIA-καρδια) As Physical heart is the center of Blood the life of a being. Heart has Life.

Mind: (NOUS-νουσ)  The Seat of reflective consciousness, perception, understanding, feeling, judgment and determining. (Vine/Mind/p.69) 

How to save yourself: (Dt.13:3-4) To Love God with ALL our Heart and Mind is to: