Episode 4 Job defeated his faith shakers!

Walk And Winds

Episode 4 Walks and winds
  • Sometimes disasters strike in the life of a faithful follower of Jesus Christ from all corners.The destruction the disaster causes is immense. It is difficult to measure the loss of lives and life stocks. We all like to be safe and healthy in our family.
  • Righteous don’t like to suffer sometimes without godly purposes or reasons for which they think and believe they are not responsible.
  • The quality life of Job:
  • His Property: 7,000 Sheep, 3,000 Camels, 1,000 Oxen (500 pairs), 500 Asses. These
    could amount to millions dollars or Indian Rupees. But he lost most of it. (He recovered
    double of all that: 14,000,6,000,2,000,1,000! Job.42:10)
  • His Personal Life’s 4 Characteristics: (1:1)
    • Perfect: Heb: TAM. 1:1,8,2:3,8:20, Plain, upright, undefiled.
    • Upright: Heb: YASHAR. Righteous, Straight, Balanced.
    • Feared God: Heb: YARE. To Revere, deep respect for God,
    • Eschewed Evil: Heb: SUR. To Shun away from sin, withdraw or be against sin and evil, depart from evil.
  • Job had a very great household: (1:3)
  • Job was a greatest of all the men of the east. (1:3)
  • Job was a ideal father for his children. He used to rise up early and offered burnt
    offerings to God on behalf of his children so that they could be protected from the wrath
    of God and be blessed. (But it turned out to be a disaster suddenly)
  • Job was a very healthy and wealthy man. (But he was smote with an infection to the
    whole body with sore boils)
  • Job was honestly had difficulty in knowing WHY of his suffering. What went on in
    heaven with Satan, he didn’t know. It was mystery.

  • Parents never think of seeing their children die suddenly in an accident.
    • Wind destroyed the house by striking the four corners of the house and it collapsed over them killing Job’s Children.(Jb.1:18-19)
    • Their joyful partying turned into death. Winds blew over them only to kill them.
  • Fathers and Husbands don’t like to suffer for reason beyond his comprehension.
    • Job could not accept the reasons but remained faithful with God in whom he believed.
    • On top of all that immense pain and loss, he lost his health with infection of a disease. The Dogs became his companions to giving him some solace by licking his boils eventually.
  • Wives don’t like husbands get nervous breakdown by thinking husbands to be the reason for the loss of property and children.
    • The wife of Job murmured (2:9): Do you still retain your integrity? Curse God and die!
  • Job had lost the corners of comfort from all sides.
    • He had to sit down in ashes only to express his grief and pain of the Physical and Emotional inflictions.
  • The friends of Job come from distant locations after hearing his tragedies.
    • Job seems to be well-known in the word he lived.
  • Life of a Righteous man was at stake. None had a clue of WHY all that disaster hit!
Job’s sorrowful experience has become a model lesson for those who believe in God and the Savior Lord Jesus Christ. We know these will end. No Wind could shake faith of Job in God even after such a great loss. Trust God who
restores and rewards the faithful. God is the Restorer God.