Episode 6 The Purpose of God behind the Test of our Faith

The Pirates of Christian Faith

God’s Purpose: Dt.13:1-4 The Church must not Miss the Mark.

God sends such things into the lives of the people of God to TEST their LOVE to Him with ALL their: 

  • Heart: (CARDIA-καρδια) As Physical heart is the center of Blood the life of a being. Heart has Life and it keeps Life pumping in and pumping out all the time. If the Heart Stops functioning, every one stops living. It is the last step leading to Death and Decay.Once the Church stops Loving God, it stops living. 
  • Mind: (NOUS-νουσ) The Seat of reflective human but God given consciousness, perception, understanding, feeling, judgment and determining. (Vine/Mind/p.69) Man is a Thinking animal. Once the Church stops using the faculties of Mind, slowly it gets corrupt, deadened and unconcerned. Once the Mind stops thinking about God, it stops loving God and hold on to what He had done and said. Mind surrendered to other than God becomes enslaved by enemies of God ward thinking. The Mind is Renewable by the Power of God. The church needs to offer itself as a living sacrifice inorder to be renewed in Mind. (Ro.12:1-2) 
  • How to save yourself: (Dt.13:3-4) To Love God with ALL our Heart and Mind is to:
  1. Walk after the LORD: 
  2. Fear Him:
  3. Keep His commandments:
  4. Obey His voice: 
  5. Serve Him: 
  6. Cleave unto Him: