Episode 7 The Purpose of God behind the Test of our Faith is LOVE towards him with all our Heart and Mind.

The Pirates of Christian Faith

A. God’s Purpose: Dt.13:1-4 The Church must not Miss the Mark.
  • To miss the mark or to err from the Truth revealed by God is to SIN against Him. The meaning of the root word Sin in Greek is just the same: HAMARTON in Rom.3:23 (Strong/g/264). 
  • It also means To make the Mistakes, To Trespass or To Cross over the boundary in other’s territory, To Offend, To Err morally or To Miss the SHARE in the Prize
  • God sends such things into the lives of the people of God to TEST their LOVE to Him with ALL their: 
B. How to save yourself from these Pirates of Christian Faith: (Dt.13:3-4)
  • To Love God with ALL our Heart (feelings, passions, desires, ambitions etc.) and
  • Mind (Thinking, resolve, objective life style, education and profession, what you think what and who you are etc) is to:
  1. Walk after the LORD: 
    • Ac.9:31: Mahalak:  (Strong/h/4109) To take a walk, Journey. (Poreuomai/Travel, Journey, going onwards (Strong/g/4198) -Ac.9:31, 
    • Rom.4:12:  To Walk in the Steps of  our father Abraham- (Stoicheis/Orderly, By Rules, In Rows to conform to virtue and piety (Strong/g/4748) -Ac.21:24 )
    • Ac.21:24: ORTHOPODEO (Strong/g/3716) To walk in a straight course; walk uprightly, to be straight footed to go directly forward. 
    • 2Cor.6:16: Emperipateo (Strong/g/1704) God would be occupied among the persons He chose to dwell in. Our walk is meant to be occupied with God who made us His Temple so that we can Walk with Him as He walks amongst His people.
    • Gal.2:14:  (Walking uprightly (ORTHOPODEO) according to the truth of the gospel.) 
  2. Fear Him: Yare’ (Strong/h/3372 -Phobo-g/5401) 
    • Dt.13:4, Mt.10:28 Moral reverence, be frightened of His dreadfulness, Awesomeness, 
    • Ac.9:31,10:35, 
    • 2Cor.7:1 Being Alarmed exceedingly
  3. Keep His commandments: Tereo-(Stron/g/5083) To watch over, preserve, to observe, to give heed. (1Jn2:3,5, 3:22,24, 5:2,Rev.1:3,22:7) Like an imprisonment- a watch over  by guard. Mt.27:66,  Ac.4:3,5:18
  4. Obey His voice: Hupakoe (Strong/g/5219) Ro.6:16-18, 16:19, 1Pet.1:2,14 –To become like slaves (Doulo-Strong/g/1402 ) to Righteousness (dikaosune-Strong/g/1343) after being set free from the slavery of sin (Hamartias-Strong/g/266).
  5. Serve Him: Diakoneo-Latreuo (Strong/g/) To render any kind of service like Worship, service or ministry-Rom.1:1, to God as His Children(Douleuo-Strong/g/1398 Phill.2:22) and bond servants:2Pet.2:19 (De-Doulotai-Strong/g/1402)
  6. Cleave unto Him: Kallao-Mt.19:5, Eph.5:31, to Join together (Strong/g/2853) or glued together to become one piece. To grip the Lord firmly. Ac.11:23

Conclusion: Thank you all for enjoying the 7 Episodes of the Series number 2-The Pirates Christian Faith and How to face them. I hope you are blessed by these talks. You can send feed back to us and interact some times. Please continue to join us and share or invite your families and friends to join this Podcast. I welcome you to join again for another series and be blessed. Christ Jesus spells freedom and we are set BOND FREE by His power and Grace of God our Father in heaven. Thank you.