Episode 7 The Purpose of God behind the Test of our Faith is LOVE towards him with all our Heart and Mind.

The Pirates of Christian Faith A. God’s Purpose: Dt.13:1-4 The Church must not Miss the Mark. To miss the mark or to err from the Truth revealed by God is to SIN against Him. The meaning of the root word Sin in Greek is just the same: HAMARTON in Rom.3:23 (Strong/g/264).  It also means To […]

Episode 6 The Purpose of God behind the Test of our Faith

The Pirates of Christian Faith God’s Purpose: Dt.13:1-4 The Church must not Miss the Mark. God sends such things into the lives of the people of God to TEST their LOVE to Him with ALL their:  Heart: (CARDIA-καρδια) As Physical heart is the center of Blood the life of a being. Heart has Life and it […]

Episode 5 Danger from creepers inside the life of the Church of Lord Jesus Christ.

The Pirates of Christian Faith Episode 4 part 2 Devaluation of Supremacy of Christ.  The Christ Jesus is not the Supreme Divine Savior but a secondary god man. This supremacy of Christ was challenged by the opponents. (1:15–20; 2:2–3:9). Hidden and secret knowledge.  The Gnostics boasted of this (2:18). The mysteries and secrets are revealed only […]

Episode 4 Philosophical and occult like spoilers creeping inside the Church.

The Pirates of Christian Faith The letter to Colossians is ascribed to Paul as its author even by the early church fathers and great thinkers.  The first century Gnosticism was growing fast in the second century. It tried to make inroads into the churches as much as possible. During Paul’s imprisonment in Rome at least […]

Episode 3 The Chief Traps Of Pirate the SATAN.

The Pirates of Christian Faith PIRATES INSIDE OF THE CHURCH: SATAN USES SOME OF THE FOLLOWING TRAPS: False Prophets: Dt.13:1-4; Mt.7:21-23 He is always a self proclaimed minister. He uses “I-My” instead GOD.  He has another Scripture or Revelation contrary to the Revealed Word. He may demonstrate a sign or wonder to deceive God’s people.  He […]

Episode 2 KNOW the Chieftain: The Chief Pirate is SATAN.

The Pirates of Christian Faith John 10:10 The Thief (Satan/Satanic forces) comes to Steal, to Kill, to Destroy. John 8:44 Jesus said: He is a Murderer from the beginning, He did not abide in truth, because there is no truth in him; He speaks lies because he is a liar and also the father of liars.  Eph.6:10-20 He has […]

Episode 1 Know the Piracy and the Life of Church/Disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Pirates of Christian Faith What do the Pirates do: Few Characteristics. They also use various strategies to capture the ships. They create a trap in such a way that the main ship gets either away from the assisting ships with gun boat or becomes isolated from the ships accompanying the main ship. They LOOT/SPOIL […]

Episode 6 – The Power of God

Journey of life (Marathi) As a disciple of Christ Jesus, I believe the Bible as the Word of God. It has mentioned the name of God as EL-4,379, Elohim- 2,701, Jehovah -6,467, Qualities and titles 74, total 694, Father used by Jesus-176 times. God wanted His people to know Him definitely. God called Abraham from […]

Episode 5 – The Provision of God during our journey

Journey of life (Marathi) God knows our needs but doesn’t like our greed. Around 5 to 6 million people needed: Water, Bread, Cloths, Shelter and Protection from the wild animals, enemies and seasonal nature impacts. God says: Ps 91:7-10: “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it […]

Episode 4 – The Perspective Of God

Journey of life (Marathi) During the journey we take, God wants us to have His perspective to be our aim. We are given a heavenly Kingdom, so we must focus our look to it all the time. The Psalmist says:  Ps 91:7-10: “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right […]